Sales Force Excellence

Sales Force Excellence (SFE) is often used synonymously with Sales Force Effectiveness. Historically, organisations have used both terms and they almost always infer the same meaning. There is however an important distinction between the two terms, and both are important. High performing SFE departments focus on both Efficiency (operational excellence) and Excellence (call quality). 

Efficiency covers the systems and processes utilized, as well as the size of the FF and all call metrics. Whereas Excellence encompasses the perceived value of the discussion with the HCP. In the pharmaceutical industry less than 10% of a Sales Representative’s time is spent in discussion with a HCP. Therefore, this interaction should be of the highest possible quality. Call quality is a term used to describe this interaction and can be measured in multiple ways.  

When a company employs a Field Force they have made a large investment with the expectation that there will be a return on this investment. SFE departments ensure the FF deliver the right message to the right customer using the right channel at the right time. Thereby ensuring the Field Force deliver call quality as efficiently as possible. 

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”

Vince Lombardi

Idea2outcome can help with all aspects of Sales Force Excellence.

Idea2outcome is ideally positioned to help implement SFE systems, processes and training to meet the needs of the organisation. We have innovative programs designed to improve SFE across areas such as;

  • Call Quality improvement
  • Territory planning
  • Sales Meeting structure
  • Incentive programs
  • Field Force Sizing
  • Coverage and frequency
  • Segmentation & Targeting 
  • Sales Leadership programs (FLM/SLM/BM)
  • Coaching models for FLMs

Call now and see if we have the ideas that will help you achieve a positive outcome.